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Six key points for effective daily management practices for broilers

Effective daily management practices for broilers play a crucial role in ensuring the health, growth, and productivity. This article will analyze six key aspects of broiler management, namely disinfection, sanitary management of feeding and drinking water, ventilation, temperature, light, and chicken manure management.

1. Disinfection practices:

Disinfection is one of the most important factor of management practices for broilers. Regular disinfection is essential to prevent the spread of diseases and maintain a hygienic environment for broilers. Disinfecting the poultry house before introducing new birds helps eliminate pathogens. It is recommended to use broad-spectrum disinfectants, such as quaternary ammonium compounds or hydrogen peroxide-based solutions. Following the manufacturer’s instructions, ensure thorough coverage of all surfaces, equipment, and the surrounding area. Disinfection frequency should be based on the farm’s disease history and risk assessment.

management practices for broilers

2. Sanitary Management of Feeding and Drinking Water:

Maintaining clean and uncontaminated feed and drinking water is critical for broiler health and performance. Feed should be stored in dry, cool, and vermin-free areas to prevent mold growth and contamination. Regularly inspect feed bins for signs of spoilage or pest infestations.

Water sources should be tested for quality, including pH, hardness, and microbial contamination. Install and maintain proper water filtration systems to remove impurities. Clean water lines and drinkers regularly to prevent biofilm formation and bacterial growth.

3. Ventilation management for broilers:

Ventilation is a factor not to be ignored of daily management practices for broilers. A well-ventilated poultry house promotes good air quality, reducing the risk of respiratory diseases and heat stress. Ventilation systems should be properly designed, sized, and maintained. Monitor carbon dioxide (CO2) levels regularly, aiming to keep them below 3,500 ppm. Ensure proper air exchange rates and uniform air distribution throughout the house. Use ventilation curtains, fans, and evaporative cooling systems to maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels.

broiler battery cage system

4. Temperature:

Maintaining appropriate temperature levels is crucial for broiler comfort and growth. The ideal brooding temperature for day-old chicks is around 32-35°C (89.6-95°F), gradually reducing by 2-3°C (3.6-5.4°F) per week until reaching 21-23°C (69.8-73.4°F) by the end of the rearing period. Use reliable temperature monitoring devices, such as thermometers or digital sensors, to ensure accurate readings. Adjust heating and cooling systems accordingly to maintain a consistent temperature throughout the poultry house.

5. Light management parctices for broilers:

Lighting management plays a significant role in broiler growth, behavior, and feed conversion efficiency. Provide an appropriate lighting program based on the breed, age, and production goals. For broilers, a recommended lighting schedule is 23-24 hours of light during the first week, gradually reducing to 18-20 hours by the fourth week. Use energy-efficient LED bulbs to provide uniform and consistent light intensity. Monitor light intensity levels (lux) regularly to ensure they meet the recommended standards.

light management for broilers

6. Chicken Manure Management:

Effective management of chicken manure is essential to maintain a clean and healthy environment while minimizing environmental impact. Regularly remove manure from the poultry house to prevent ammonia buildup and bacterial contamination. Utilize proper equipment, such as scrapers or automated systems, for efficient manure removal. Consider composting or utilizing manure as organic fertilizer, following local regulations and guidelines. Monitoring manure moisture content and pH can help optimize composting processes.


Implementing effective daily management practices for broilers is crucial for successful poultry farming. By prioritizing disinfection, maintaining sanitary feeding and drinking water, ensuring proper ventilation, temperature, and lighting, and managing chicken manure effectively, farmers can optimize broiler health, growth, and productivity. Regular monitoring, data analysis, and adjustments based on specific farm conditions will contribute to long-term success in broiler management.