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Now more and more farms choose to buy poultry battery cages to raise chickens. This also shows that the farmers’ demand for chicken cage breeding is gradually increasing, and chicken cage breeding has become a major trend in poultry breeding.

Poultry cages are more suitable for commercial farms because it saves space and feed. In addition, chickens are separated from their feces, so cages reduce the spread of disease and the risk of infection.


battery layer chicken cage


Here are the advantages of raising chickens in chicken cage:

Save labor

The chicken was living in a cage. The water they drink, the feed they eat, the feces they produce, the eggs they lay ,are all equipped to complete. No more manual management. Eggs can be automatically rolled out of the cage, which is convenient for picking up eggs. Therefore, it can save time to do other things. In this way, farmers reduce the pressure on breeding, and will minimize the cost of hiring labor. In the long run, automated poultry farming will be more profitable for farmers.

Easy to manage

Chickens live in cages and are easy to care for and supervise. It is also easy to find sick chickens faster and prevent chickens from pecking on the ground. The cage door of the stepped chicken coop is a push-pull design. If the flocks fight or disease occurs, the breeders can catch and manage the flocks in time. When chickens are free-range, one worker can only manage 500 chickens. Now, when the chickens are in the cage, each worker can manage 25,000-3500 chickens. This greatly improves work efficiency.

Easy to manage the chicken house environment

The automated environmental control system can control the temperature, humidity and ventilation of the chicken house. This can provide a good living environment for chickens. Nowadays, chicken houses are mostly closed or semi-closed. It is easier for farmers to raise chickens with the help of automated chicken raising equipment.

Reduced prevalence

Poultry battery cages raise chickens without contact with chickens, and do not touch manure. This can prevent or reduce the chance of disease transmission, increase the survival rate of chickens, and greatly reduce medical expenses.

At present, the most commonly using layer cage is a full ladder cage. The upper and lower cages do not overlap vertically, and the feces of each layer can easily fall into the lowest ditch. The ground installed in the manure ditch uses a scraper-type manure cleaner to remove manure. After cleaning the chicken manure, don’t throw it away casually. Dry manure can be sold directly. Fertilizer can be used for plants or can provide a source of biogas.



Livi Machinery is an excellent poultry farming equipment supplier in China. We provide high-quality and low-cost automated chicken farming equipment all over the world. If you plan to establish a farm or have questions about our products, you can contact me.