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The poultry farming project is located in South Africa. In September 2018, a gentleman in South Africa told me that their chicken house was overhead and wanted to learn about and buy layer chicken cages. We recommend to him the A-type layer cage, it is easy to ventilate. Their weather is very hot and the house is open.

Finally, we recommend him to use a 3-layer hot-dip galvanized cage to extend the service life. After a while, he and his partner came to our company’s processing plant. We chatted about the details of the cage and the installation problems. After settling down, he directly ordered 130 sets of layer cages and automatic auxiliary equipment because of his scale.

After that, we carefully supervised each part of the cage to ensure the quality. Then he received the cage, his friend also ordered a battery layer cage. We are very happy that our customers return to our company again. Because they are satisfie with the quality of the equipment and our service.